1. Outstanding student artworks and creativity. Kudos to the students and art teachers. The Floral Artists outdid themselves with composition and color and echos of the artworks. Thank you for providing the opportunity to see this exhibit for those who weren’t able to attend in person.

  2. Oh, my goodness! Such talent across the age spectrum and a true reflection of the continued importance of community, collaboration, and intergenerational programming. Appreciative of the hard work of all participants. Amazed at the diversity of art represented by Bromfield students and the thoughtful interpretations by Garden Club members. A special nod to the embrace of our ocean and environmental challenges for all generations.
    It is my sincere hope that more and more community members are able to witness this incredible exhibit every year. Thank you to each of you for the contributions to our entire community. With heartfelt appreciation.

  3. I can actually see the imaginations of the artists and the floral arrangers working! The way the arrangers’ knowledge of flowers and plants complements the art is a revelation.

  4. Wonderful exhibit, so colorful and poignant! Great to see the vivid connection between the student artists and the flower designers.

  5. The smell and color of the flowers was amazing. The art produced by this young artists was inspirational! Thanks for sharing with the community.

  6. Amazing pairings between the artists at Bromfield School and Harvard Garden Club members. So much inspiring talent. Bloom N Arts never disappoints!

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